"This novel tells the story of a biblical struggle in a remote Jamaican village in 1957. In the village of Gibbeah - where certain women fly and certain men protect secrets with their lives - magic coexists with religion, and good and evil are never as they seem. In this town, a battle is fought between two men of God. The story begins when a drunkard named Hector Bligh (the "Rum Preacher") is dragged from his pulpit by a man calling himself "Apostle" York. Handsome and brash, York demands a fire-and-brimstone church, but sets in motion a phenomenal and deadly struggle for the soul of Gibbeah itself." As the village is overrun by strange, supernatural events, secrets rise up like bubbles in a brew: hidden histories of witchcraft, adultery, scandal, and murder. John Crow's Devil is a novel about religious mania, sexual obsession, redemption, and the eternal struggle inside all of us between the righteous and the wicked. (less)
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SKU: 9781780748498
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