The ‘lottery’ of birth only goes so far to determine our true path in life. In actual fact, we make our own luck at every turn – with every decision we make. There is no single definition for success, no single path to fulfilment and self-actualization.
We all search for the same fundamental truths in our journeys. Because we cannot live long enough to make all mistakes or see the results of every decision, we use other people’s journeys, not to compare, but to learn.
Different Paths, Same Journey profiles 21 exemplary men and women, and how their choices and circumstances both contributed to their present lives. Travel with them through their life, and find how they overcame obstacles and challenged accepted wisdom to chart their own courses. They share their greatest life lessons and impart their wisdom oh-so-generously. You won’t regret reading this book.
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SKU: 9789966135797