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Timon Oywelowo’s path towards a better future is paved with several landmines. As an impressionable teenager, his friends pressure him into taking his first sip of beer. He’s found out, and the ensuing punishment sears the fear of beer into his consciousness.

He focuses on his studies and joins University in Kampala, Uganda, with only one job—getting his undergraduate degree. But is it that clear-cut? Outside of the University walls lies a totally different world. It is a world of unchecked freedom. A world where beer flows freely, immorality reigns supreme, partying is a way of life, and the desire to make it by any means is what counts.

Timon finds himself at a crossroads: will he keep on the straight and narrow, or will he veer off the rails and careen down the steep slope of destruction?

Beer Pressure by Otieno Opondo

SKU: 9789914405873
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